Beomeosa Temple

This is a Busan Ex-Pat City Guide post. Check out the rest of my list here.

Photos by Stephanie Pellett. Check out her personal blog here, her Flickr account here, and her Instagram here for more beautiful photography.

“There is a well on the top of Mt. Geumjeongsan and the water of that well is gold. The golden fish in the well rode the colourful clouds and came down from the sky. This is why the mountain is named Geumsaem (gold well) and the temple is name ‘fish from heaven’.”

This summary of the origins of Beomeosa Temple’s etymology is from the Donggukyeojiseungram, a Korean geography book. Nestled up in the mountains, Beomeosa, like all good temples is remote, offering a peaceful, cultural day trip for tourists (like me!)

Admittedly, I had been informed that Beomeosa Temple was “pretty, but nothing special” from a few people. Regardless, I was eager to visit and form my own opinions about “the temple where the Nirvana fish play”.

I visited Beomeosa on a day when spring was positively springing with Steph, my co-worker Robert, and his fiancé Anna. As soon as we stepped upon the temple grounds, I could feel how hallowed and sacred they were. We followed a row of wisteria trees up to the main compound, which houses a three-story pagoda, multiples shrines, and approximately a dozen hermitages, presumably for the fighting monks who called Beomeosa home. I’m always amazed at the intricacies and attention to detail when studying the colourful shrines and gates at Korean temples. I found it inspiring. Like, if someone could spend all that time designing something so beautiful, then I can at least floss every day or blog three times a week, right?

Beomeosa, itself, was lost twice; first, in the 16th century at the hands of the pyro-happy Japanese invaders, and second, a mere decade later in an accidental fire. It was rebuilt in the 17th century. These days, however, it is still undergoing a “temple facelift”. There was, in fact, ongoing construction on a couple of the hermitages and halls while we were visiting. Whoever said cosmetic surgery in Korea is just for people was dead wrong.

Oddly enough, my favourite part of my time at Beomeosa was spent in a rather unique rock field, with a quiet stream running through it. Steph, Robert, Anna, and I sat for a while in a circle on the rocks, and even took a few moments to dip our hands and feet into the chilly water. I’m hoping to visit Beomeosa again so I can follow this path of rocks up to the North Gate of the Geumjeongsanseong Fortress, because I’m all about that hiking sweat life on summer days.

In addition, the four of us visited the Seongdo Museum, located on the temple grounds. There were a variety of Buddhist antiquities, including a Lego construction of the “Nirvana Fish”, where Beomeosa derives its name from. Bizarrely, this Lego “masterpiece” seemed to be a bigger deal than the relics that were hundreds of centuries old. Just nod and smile, y’all.

Beomeosa is one of the most important temples in all of Korea, and receives extra credit for its “Temple Stay” program. While I found the Haedong Yonggungsa Water Temple more visually pleasing, the tranquility of Beomeosa Temple was a welcomed sort of beauty. My recommendation? Visit Beomeosa on a sunny day, walk the grounds, have a picnic on the rocks, and continue up Mount Geumjeongsan. Then you’ll really be about that sweat life.

To get to Beomeosa Temple, take the Orange Line on the Busan Subway (Line 1) to Beomeosa Station (stop 133). Take exit 5 or 7 and turn up the road between the exits. After 5 minutes, you will reach the Samsin bus stop. Bus Take bus #90, and get out at the Beomeosa Temple stop (approximately 15 minutes).  Alternatively, a taxi costs approximately ₩6,000.


Songdo Beach and Amnam Park

Photo from For 91 Days in Busan

Photo from For 91 Days in Busan

This is a Busan Ex-Pat City Guide post. Check out the rest of my list here.

Photos by Stephanie Pellett. Check out her blog Life in Limbo here.

It is a widely held belief that a horseshoe is said to attract good fortune and luck. While I don’t necessarily hold this notion as canon, it was a true stroke of luck to have recently added Busan’s horseshoe-shaped Songdo Beach and the nearby Amnam Park to my Korean Bucket List.

Compared to the other beaches in Busan that I’m familiar with, (namely Haeundae and Gwangalli) my mid-March visit to Songdo was unusually placid. The promenade was not overcrowded with couples taking selfies or struggling artists pedalling their heartfelt renditions of “My Heart Will Go On”. Instead, there were families taking quiet afternoon walks, and groups of ajummas sitting on the benches, quietly conversing.

Dogs of Songdo

Dogs of Songdo

The actual beach had an almost kitschy feel to it, with statues of dolphins and whales rising up from the water. The surrounding neighbourhood was filled with coastal hotels laying claims to the best coastal views in Nampo and the usual Korean coffee chains.

On the left side of the beach, we came across an archway that led out to a series of low-rising sea-stacks to walk upon. Inside the archway was an information sign that offered some history on Songdo’s tumultuous history. I learned that not only is it Busan’s oldest beach, (having officially opened in 1913) but is also its most berated. Songdo’s coastline took a pretty severe beating from multiple hurricanes, most notably Typhoon Thelma in 1991, which caused a great deal of sand loss. Following a reconstruction in 2000, the beach now plays host to a variety of celebrations, including the Busan Sea Festival.

Songdo selfies

Songdo selfies

After a few pictures on the sea-stacks, we moved to a scenic park elevated just above the beach. My favourite part about this area was a tiny glass house filled with books at the edge of the park. Unfortunately, we couldn’t access this outdoor library, as its door was locked. We brushed this off by practicing a few arm balances and headstands, as good yogis do.

Steph rockin' her salamba sirsasana

Steph rockin’ her salamba sirsasana

Thereafter, we headed to the Songdo Coastal Walkway in order to get to Amnam Park. This walk was undoubtedly the best part of the day. Our journey along the red staircase that hugged the coast was timed perfectly with the setting sun. The walkway was almost completely empty, save for a few smiling ajummas, and just below us were numerous fishermen looking for their last catch of the day. The Coastal Walkway has been one of my favourite moments in Busan so far, and I’m looking forward to returning later this summer.

Songdo Coastal Walkway

Songdo Coastal Walkway

The walkway took us approximately 25 minutes to cross. Upon reaching Amnam Park, we began to feel the effects of a full afternoon of walking on empty stomachs. We ended up hiking for about 15 minutes through the park, which was enough time to get some views, see some statues, and smell some pine trees. Amnam Park, while beautiful, couldn’t hold a candle to the astonishing views offered on the Songdo Coastal Walkway. Nor could it overshadow our rumbling stomachs. Sometimes, nature can only do so much when you’re fixing for some Thai food.

Library Park

Library Park

To get to Songdo Beach and Amnam Park, take the Orange Line on the Busan Subway (Line 1) to Jagalchi Station (stop 110). Go out exit 2, and take your first left. Just ahead is a bus stop; buses 7, 26, 71, or 96 will all get you to Songdo Beach, while buses 7, 9, and 91 will take you to Amnam Park. Alternatively, a cab from Jagalchi Market costs approximately ₩8,000.


Taejongdae Resort Park

This is a Busan Ex-Pat City Guide post. Check out the rest of my list here.

Photos by Jess Sternberg. Follow her on Instagram here.

As a Canadian boy who has experienced some twenty-two winters in Southeastern Ontario, the relatively temperate climate of Busan has been a dream during the typically harsh winter months. Besides one day in mid-February when it “snowed” (read: there was light snowfall that evaporated before it even touched the ground), on the whole, the South Korean winter has treated me well. It has also given me the ability to remain active and explore the great outdoors of Busan during months where, in Canada, I would be hermitting indoors.

Taejongdae Resort Park, located on the southern coast of Busan in Yeongdo-gu, provided a perfect setting for exploring the great outdoors, in the form of a crisp January afternoon stroll. The weather on this particular Saturday felt like a late October day in Canada, so my fellow Toronto girls, Jess, Maddie, Mary, and I took advantage and ventured to the famous Busan monument to take some yoga photos and watch the sunset.

Taejongdae derives its name from King TaeJong Mu-Yeol of the Silla Dynasty (BC57 until AD 935) who used to fire arrows along this beautiful coastal area back in his heyday. The park is absolutely magnificent – serene forests, breathtaking views of the coast, and beautiful man-made monuments. The park itself is quite sprawling, so in order to reach the main attraction, the Taejongdae Lighthouse, in an expedient manner, the park’s Danubi train is almost necessary to save yourself a long journey on foot. Unfortunately, the girls and I mistook the line that was simply waiting to board the Danubi train as the line waiting to purchase tickets for the train, became impatient, and started walking along the road towards the sites of Taejongdae. [Note: We never made it to the lighthouse. All of the sads.]

While we never made it to the lighthouse or Sinseon Rock, (which according to myth was a relaxation spot for gods and goddesses), we did get to see Taejongdae’s beautiful Pebble Beach from one of the many observatories along the coastline. Mary and I surged ahead to visit the Taejongdae observatory, which provided some stunning views of the rocky Korea Strait and the famous “Suicide Rock”. A sombre statue of a mother with two children stands just outside the observatory to remind anyone who has ventured to Taejongdae to commit suicide that somewhere, their mother holds an unconditional love for them. The observatory was unfortunately our last stop before turning back, but provided us with some unforgettable panoramic views and interesting information about the “Taejong Rain” which happens around the 10th of May (on the Lunar calendar). As a result, Taejongdae serves as a famous site for rain prayers during droughts.

Eventually, the girls and I headed back towards the Pebble Beach, finding a quiet part of the forest where we could watch the sunset, undisturbed. Just to our left, we discovered a giant boulder on the coast, absolutely perfect for some sunset yoga photos. One at a time, we each slowly and surely crawled our way onto the rock, making sure we didn’t look down at the deep plunge beneath us should our loafers or Toms fail us. A couple of “rock”-solid warrior, mermaid, and lotus poses later, the girls and I left the park, while the sun finally set on the magnificent coastal park.

To reach Taejongdae Resort Park, take the Busan Subway Red Line (Line 1) to Busan Station (stop 113). From here, take Bus 88 or 101 until the Taejongdae Park stop (approximately 35 minutes). Alternatively, you can take Line 1 to Nampo (stop 111) and take a 20 minute cab ride to Taejongdae. Entrance is free. For those who want to explore Taejongdae without walking, the Danubi Train provides transportation for W1,500, as well as service in English, Korean, and Chinese.


Bijindo Island

This is a Korean Bucket List post. Check out the rest of my list here.

Oh, look! Another blog post themed “Holy Moly, These Experiences Were Multiple Weeks Ago And Yet I’m Only Getting Around To Writing About Them Now!” Oy gevalt.

That being said, I am writing this post with such enthusiasm that I’m almost certain my Korean co-teachers are shooting me icy glares in the staff room for typing with such force. But guess how little I care? I care so little that I could be mistaken for Meryl Streep as she gave her 2012 Best Actress Oscar speech for “The Iron Lady”. We’re talking “But, whatever” levels here, people.

So, why the enthusiasm? It’s because I get to relive all of the memories of a magical, deserted island that I visited at the beginning of September called Bijindo!

This brief weekend sojourn to Bijindo transpired pretty organically: One day, in our (Matt Corby-themed) Facebook thread, Maddie and Jess suggested taking a weekend trip somewhere in Korea and subsequently posted a link to this CNN article describing a beautiful island off the southern tip of Busan “where time stops”. The descriptions and photos of Bijindo in the article made the choice to visit an easy one (i.e. ‘A powdery white strip of white sand tethers two ends of Bijindo together’ and ‘Locals call the island “Miindo”, which means “beautiful island” (no brainer)’).

Before the girls and I knew it, we were on the metro to Sasang, on the bus to Tongyeong, in a cab to the Tongyeong Ferry Terminal, and finally, on the ferry to Bijindo. The day was a little stormy and gray and I remember thinking, “well, this is just going to be an expensive way to get soaking wet.” Once we set foot onto the island, this annoyance immediately dissipated. A tall red lighthouse and a tiny village greeted us as the rain began to come down. After wandering around the first tiny village, a kind local pointed us to a paved path leading to the second inhabited village on the island. Donning the McGill poncho that I received nearly 5 years ago (almost to the day!) during frosh, the girls and I began the trek to the other side of the island.

Despite the rain, the walk was an enjoyable one. We passed several small gardens and fields with crops that smelled of black tea with butterflies flitting about with wet wings. Eventually, we entered the second village in search of a pension. One of the first buildings we came across was a beautiful villa style building called The Sea Pension. We were informed that a room was ₩120,000 (₩40,000 each between the three of us). Our modest, but homey room had a spectacular view of the mountain at the other end of the island as well as the beautiful pension courtyard below. After drying off, taking a few iPhone selfies, and settling into our digs for the next 24 hours, the pension’s innkeeper prepared a delicious BBQ meal for us in the pavilion below. [Note: There are very few places to eat on Bijindo. There are a couple of bungalows that sell beer, water, chips, ramyeon, cookies, and other rations, but I would recommend bringing enough food for the duration of your trip!] Afterwards, we equipped ourselves with our cool weather gear (the rain had finally stopped at this point) and cameras and ventured off into the great unknown.

Wandering around the village was a peculiar experience – there was literally one road in the entire village; dozens of abandoned, peeling, and decrepit bungalows; former public buildings with large gates barricaded not with deadbolts but by large boulders tied with a rope; and a giant trash heap housing a family of puppies, henceforth known as the “Trash Puppy Family”.

After exploring the village and watching some of the locals performing their daily fishing and farming duties, we headed toward the beach to watch and photograph the sunset. A spectacular moment where I believe we all felt as though we could get used to the island life.

In the evening, the girls and I made ramyeon, watched some Korean game shows, had some heart-to-hearts, and then called it an early night in anticipation of the sunrise the next morning.

4:30AM rolled around too early and perhaps if we had any Internet service on the island, we would have known that the sun didn’t actually rise until closer to 6AM… but up we rose like zombies to descend the hill into the village. We explored a few of the docks and patiently waited for the sun to rise, as a half dozen ajummas and ajusshis walked by to get an early start on their trawlers. Just as exhaustion began to set in, Mr. Golden Sun began to peak out from behind the numerous rolling mountains. Rather than do an injustice to how magical this moment was, I will simply let the photos below speak for themselves.

After a 3 hour nap, the girls and I rose yet again to get in a quick hike up the towering mountain laid out before us. More tea and vegetables fields greeted us as we began the winding ascent, more colourful butterflies, and craggy rocks, and general island majesty. We even came across some (creepy) grave sites and a beautiful temple tucked away off the beaten trail. Since checkout was just before noon, we were without enough time to make it to the peak but found time to bathe our salty bodies in the crystal clear water.

Quick showers, last minute packing, and a heartfelt thank you to the staff at The Sea Pension and we set off yet again to the first village of Bijindo. While we waited for our ferry to arrive, the girls and I reflected on our pasts and futures in Montreal and Toronto, and I was suddenly very happy to have grown so close with both Jess and Maddie in such a short amount of time. So often we never really appreciate the circumstances in which we become to kindred to others. Jess and Maddie: I am so fortunate to have your friendships on this crazy Korean roller coaster ride. Love you both, my prettiest pussies!

One small heart attack later (we thought we had missed our ferry) the three of us sat at the stern of the vessel and watched the island become smaller and smaller. As a kind Korean man snapped a photo of us on my disposable, I couldn’t help but realize that this photo will likely be hanging up in my room in Toronto next year, then in a photo album in my first house, and eventually will become a faded and distant memory of that first weekend in September when I was freshly 23 living abroad in Asia. “One day that will be bittersweet,” I thought, “but not today.”

Travel Information:

Take Line 2 (green line) to Sasang (stop 227). Exit the metro and enter the Sasang bus terminal (Sasang Station). Buses usually leave from Sasang to Tongyeong every 10-20 minutes, take less than 2 hours to Tongyeong, and cost approximately ₩20,000 for a round trip. Take a 10 minute cab ride through Tongyeong to the Ferry Terminal. Ferries to Bijindo leave from the Tongyeong Ferry Terminal three times a day at 7 a.m., 11 a.m. and 2:10 p.m. It’s a good idea to bring your passport number as they request it for the ferry ride. Round trip tickets cost approximately ₩15,000 ($13.50) and take about 50 minutes.


Special Edition Taylor Swift "Red Lighthouse"

Special Edition Taylor Swift “Red Lighthouse”

A view from the top

A view from the top

Just three monkeys, derpin' about

Just three monkeys, derpin’ about

The Sea Pension

The Sea Pension

~Live, Love, Laugh~

~Live, Love, Laugh~

Won't you come on out to play?

Won’t you come on out to play?




On our hiking grind

On our hiking grind

Bye, bye, beautiful Bijindo

Bye, bye, beautiful Bijindo

Trash Puppy Family needs Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

Trash Puppy Family needs Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

1185755_10151674161882017_179499543_n 1230085_10151674162947017_1678615741_n

Just a millennial abroad

Just a millennial abroad

Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun?

Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun?

The setting sun over Bijindo

The setting sun over Bijindo