Obsessed: November

Obsessed: November

The penultimate month of 2014 is nearly complete, to which I say boourns. I am the first to admit that my body is not ready for misery incarnate (read: the winter months). Come back, summer (please).

That said, November has yielded a number of fantastic obsessions to distract me from the deadening happening all around me. This month features some “aw”-inspiring animal videos (because I have no shame), a Jimmy Kimmel favourite, two super pretty Instagram accounts and a couple of Montréal things to feed my nostalgia.

• November Instagram obsessions include @korea_insta, which has given me some serious feels for the country I called home for a year and @bob_sizoo, an insanely talented 15-year-old from the Netherlands, on his “sunlight-flooding-through-trees” game.

• Once I’m able to properly care for myself, I will probably invest in a pet. Odds are that this first pet will be a ferret or a pot-bellied pig.

•  Actually, I lied. I will be investing in a cat that looks like Lil BUB. Look at her go! Look at her lick this guy’s hairy face! Ugh, feelings.

• I read one of my boyfriend’s favourite books, Lullabies for Little Criminals by Montréal author Heather O’Neill. This was my third book for my 25 Before 25 challenge (“Read 12 great books”) and was just as #dark as the first two books I read (The Master and Margarita and Gone Girl). The book was a beautifully written and heartbreakingly poignant bildungsroman about growing up too fast. Bonus points for the novel being set in Montréal.

• Frank and Oak just opened their flagship store in Toronto on Queen West! I’m going to be the poorest but the most fashionable guy in Etobicoke!

• I love Bleachers, I love Lauren Mayberry (of CHVRCHES) and I LOVE Fleetwood Mac, so it should come as no surprise that I loved this cover of “Go Your Own Way” from VH1’s You Oughta Know Live In Concert event.

• In advance of a two-week visit from her mom, Steph thoughtfully compiled a list of the top ten cultural differences to be aware of before visiting South Korea. She’s also been posting super helpful travel tips this week – go check them out!

• The release of the Bavarian Farmers Association’s 2015 “Hot Potato” Calendar; not because of the sultry models, but because potatoes really are important to me. Fries before guys, y’all.

• Lisa Kudrow and Chloe Moretz’s responses on the eighth edition of Celebrities Read Mean Tweets.


Obsessed: October

Obsessed: October

October is my favourite month of the year. Turkey, leaves, jean jackets, orange, gusts, pumpkins, Hallowe’en, hikes, skeletons, gourds. October is the best, the last chance to be seen, heard or felt before the blustery winter winds numb the senses.

This month, my obsessions include soon-to-be-adorned jewelry, a 2012 literary thriller that had me chomping at the bit for three days, and the spots throughout Toronto where I’ve been enjoying my favourite “meal”.

• October Instagram obsessions include @yummertime, featuring the unreasonably stylish (and handsome) life and style bloggers Brock and Chris; @montrealismes, featuring beautiful photographs of my old French stomping grounds; and @frankandoak, featuring clothing I wish I could buy but cannot because the Toronto Frank & Oak Pop-Up Shop just ended its week-long run. Boourns.

• Okay, so I know I am approximately two years late to the Gone Girl craze, but OH MY GOODNESS. After taking over three months to finish the last book I started, it was so nice to whip through something gripping, compelling, thrilling. I’m looking forward to reading Gillian Flynn’s other novels, Dark Places and Sharp Objects, and of course, seeing the movie adaptation of Gone Girl.

• This article from The Hairpin that my boyfriend shared earlier this month. This entire article perfectly summed up a conversation that my friend and I had earlier this year. I encourage all my female friends to read it and empower themselves.

• The new septum ring I just ordered. It’s positively FKA twigs-ian and I am looking forward to its arrival from Tel Aviv soon!

• I have been living the “Treat Yo Self” motto during my weekends in Toronto, never missing a beat and never missing a brunch. While I do miss the staple Montréal brunch spots (L’Avenue, Beautys, Bagel Etc), Toronto is proving itself strong with its brunch game. Currently, I am obsessed with the trifecta of College Street brunch spots: Utopia, Easy and Sneaky Dee’s. What to order? Anything with lots of bread and avocado.

• The new Taylor Swift and how quickly (and wonderfully) Vulture broke it down for all of us (not quite unlike Red and Speak Now). Personal faves include “Wonderland” and “Style”. Look for me power-walking down the streets of Etobicoke to this album for the next six months.

• Everything Japanese: from Studio Ghibli (I’ve watched both My Neighbor Totoro and Howl’s Moving Castle this past month) to playing Mario Kart 8 on Wii U to my lanterns from the Daiso in Harajuku, Tokyo.


Obsessed: Summer

Obsessed: Summer

Consider my summer skin (and any WordPress blogging credibility I possessed, because #oops, bye bye blog life!) totally shed.

(Rationale: This “millennial abroad” returned home, rediscovered hummus, Pitchfork and overpriced EVERYTHING, and transitioned from “Dylan Teacher” to “poor, lowly (Dylan) student”. Summer changed to fall, breezes turned to gusts, and my “Obsessed” bookmarks folder overflowed, like a waterfall from my eyes because, goodbye summer. The school and life balance is hard, y’all! I’ll try harder, though.)

This special “end of summer” edition of ~ObSeSsEd~ features too much music, too many Instagram accounts, all of the Meryl Streep things, and of course, Hummus For Dummies.

• My favourite end of summer Instagram accounts: @adriana_gabri, another ex-pat/foreign teacher in South Korea; @alperenakbulut, simple and muted scenes from everyday life; @ariellevey, glamour in South California; @thewiresburn, making me want to move to countryside and chase the sunset for a living; @artfuldesperado, pretty food, pretty travel and pretty British Columbia; and @imthejam, feels for the big cities I’ve never been to.

• My wonderful friend Steph (from Life in Limbo) was rarely seen without her Nikon D90 this summer and it’s a good thing. Steph produced not one, but TWO videos documenting the sunny (and rainy) times in Busan. Check out both the “Summer” and “Summer 2.0” videos (and “Spring“, if you missed it!)

• I honestly don’t believe in the notion of a “guilty pleasure”. I present my complete and utter obsession with Ariana Grande’s “Break Free” without comment. In addition, I’m quivering with anticipation for Jessie Ware’s new album and love the eponymous lead single, “Tough Love“. Plus, let’s not forget Calgary native Kiesza’s sleeper hit “Hideaway” and subsequent Ben Howard cover.

• One of my favourite McGill/Montreal-based bands, Motel Raphaël, released a new video for their track “Ghosts“. The video served up the feels (specifically for Tam-Tams) and felt like an (unintentional?) homage to my favourite Alex Winston music video.

• I personally loved The Giver, despite the middling reviews it received. The long and short of it is: Meryl Streep + Taylor Swift = a happy Dylan. Also, my favourite Saturday afternoon find ever is Ayn Rand’s The Devil Wears Prada (Meryl Streep + objectivism = a happier Dylan).

• I don’t always cook in my kitchen, but when I do, I’m happy that Imgur exists: Hummus Made Easy.

• My parents gifted me with a Kobo Aura for my 24th birthday. The moment I finish The Master and Margarita (UGH, 80 pages left), I will be cosying up with my Aura to start both Gone Girl and Wild.

• You basically just have to look at the Top 10 (Grimes, Ariel Pink, Kanye, Frank Ocean) and you’ll understand: Pitchfork Top 200 Songs of the Decade.

• Rediscovering Netflix may have been the best part of returning to my hometown post-Korea. My mom broke her wrist the day after I got home so I spent my days tending to her and watching the first season of House of Cards and the second season of Orange is the New Black. Also, I lied: my mom’s Tylenol 3-induced commentary about OITNB was my favourite part about returning home.


Obsessed: June

Obsessed: June

During June 2012, my best friend Susie and I marked our foray into real life after convocation with the hashtag #shitjustgotrealjune. With only one month left in South Korea before I head back to Canada for another year of school in Toronto, I can’t feel like that hashtag rings ever true.

That said, June was quite laid-back and fun, and thus, my obsessions are a reflection of that. This month features some fearless fashion choices, inevitable selections on my summer playlist, and a new life mantra alongside “suum cuuique” and “#speakyourtruth”.

• June was certainly not the first time I had heard “Va Va Voom” by Nicki Minaj, but it was the month that my love for it was reignited.

• My perfect new maxim in life, courtesy of Yusra: “Assume everyone that you date is crazy until they prove otherwise”, which is also perfectly summarized in this article by Ronda Rich: “Listen, I’ve gotten involved with crazy people and they were recommended to me by people who professed to like me. Crazy is too much trouble. I’d rather spend the rest of my life alone with a library of books and my DVR.”

• My current favourite Instagram accounts: @adventuringalex, a fellow English teacher/ex-pat living in South Korea; @shaktikingh, cityscapes for those who lust to wander; and @graymalin, for those who love and lead with glamour first.

• “Art History: Women Ignoring Men” gave my soul some life this month, effectively replacing “How To Be A Heartbreaker” as my maxim in life. It’s just too much work, Marina.

• I don’t know exactly where I was during the whole “Honey Badger” viral video phase nearly three and half years ago, (although, based on the date stamp on the YouTube video, I can assume that I was falling asleep in a lecture on the Reformation during my junior year), but Dylan don’t care. Dylan don’t give a shyt that he missed the boat, because he’s on it now.

• I have been itching to find a pair of ajumma pants recently. On my monthly retail therapy at H&M, I shamelessly purchased a pair of female leggings (on sale!) that felt “ajumma-esque” in every way but fit. These are not the exact pair that I bought, but are in a very similar black and white pattern. I can proudly say that they are incredibly comfy and will greatly aid in my yoga practice. Look for them soon on my Instagram tag, #yogaboyinloafers!

• I mean, no one can take down Queen Bey’s “Jealous“, but Chromeo’s version definitely comes in a close second. Thanks to Yusra for some new blood on the leaves of my iTunes tree.


Obsessed: May

Obsessed: May

May flowers and all that stuff, y’all. This was a perfect month, so the overall theme of my obsessions this month is “perfection”. This month features Australia’s hottest female rapper, two talented McGill b1shes, and some videos that will make your insides warm.

“Fancy” by Iggy Azalea ft. Charli XCX
Living in Korea for the last ten months has made me dangerously apathetic with regards to music. While living in Montreal, I was constantly scouring music blogs and reading Pitchfork for the latest music hype. In that vein, my love for Iggy Azalea was a slow burn. I knew (and loved) her earlier singles, “Work” and “Bounce”, but when “Fancy” entered the cultural zeitgeist, I felt very far removed, nearly ambivalent, about its release.

I recently saw the light of the day and gave it a serious listen, and ooh boy: I’m about that “murda business” life yet again. As a pop culture enthusiast, Anna Kendrick’s mini performance of it during her SNL stint and this viral video have further encouraged my obsession. Long live Iggy (oh, and Charli.)

If I Were 22
We’ve all been there: shell-shocked recent graduate, wandering the streets of Montreal’s Mile End, listening to “Fast Car” by Tracy Chapman, wondering “what in Meryl’s name am I going to do with my life?” (Just me?)

Despite having some semblance of what is in store for my future, LinkedIn has helped in easing my anxieties with their new If I Were 22 series, where over 80 “Influencers” (the top minds in business, media, and technology) “share lessons from their youth and what their few more years of life can teach the class of 2014 and every young professional” (more on that here). I’ve found myself relating to pretty much every post in some way, especially this one about writing your thoughts (with a pen!) in some sort of journal/diary/organizer. The future is always uncertain, but I’ve found these posts are a reminder that we’re all in it together.

Spring” by Stephanie Pellett
Do you have one of those friends who is just obscenely talented at nearly everything they try their hand at? I do. Her name is Stephanie Pellett and not only is an amazing writer, photographer, yogi, podcaster, teacher, and overall human being, she also films and produces amazing videos (check her Vimeo here).

Over the past two months, Steph has been filming our adventures together in South Korea (and Japan!) and the final product is so beautiful. I’ve been watching the video on repeat, and feeling nostalgic for experiences that happened mere weeks ago. I know this will continue upon my return to Canada, stoking the fires for my former life in Korea.

If the video weren’t perfect enough, Steph chose “Shine” by Benjamin Francis Leftwich (Kygo Remix) as the video’s theme. Could she be more perfect? The answer is no. Slap an “I’m Basically Meryl” sticker on her, and call it a life.

Check out Steph’s own blog post about the “Spring” video here!

– This video of a hamster eating a tiny burrito. I mean, look at the Crayola crayon box reappropriated as a tiny table! The lights falling over three-quarters of the way into the video! The earnest hamster eating a burrito the way a burrito was meant to be eaten – stuffing it down one’s gullet. Perfect.

– This cover of “Lights” by Ellie Goulding by Brittni Paiva on the ukelele. Maybe not as good as the original Ukelele Boy, but god love her for being somewhat current.

– This article reviewing Japanese artist Hugo Yoshikawa’s transformation of 26 European cities into the complete alphabet. As if my wanderlust wasn’t already laid on too thick…

– This feature on Lana Del Rey (written by my lovely and always prim friend, Adrienne) on Vitamin Daily. Adrienne perfectly chronicles her love affair with Lana, with some of the most perfect commentary I’ve ever read: “Lana really crashed onto the scene with her SNL performance. Like, car crashed, in slow motion. I’ve watched the video on repeat, tensely pinpointing the exact moment she goes under, narrating her irredeemable plummet like David Attenborough giving the play-by-play of a tundra rabbit’s evisceration.”


~ObSeSsEd~: April Edition

Given that April was my first official month with my new laptop and iPhone, the majority of my obsessions for this month somehow relate to the interwebz, applications, or electronic organization.

• This cover of one of my favourite Fleetwood Mac songs (“Dreams”) by Dana Williams and Leighton Meester. It’s the most ethereal fixture in my YouTube Favourites presently.

• Mextures and VSCO Cam. I spend an obscene amount of time using each of these photo editing applications prior to Instagram and Facebook.

• My current favourite Instagram accounts: @alltomorrowparties, @ben_kaufman, and @lidiagulyas.

• The eargasmic YouTube channel, which has been integral in repopulating my sparse iTunes library.

• Any SNL sketch featuring Kristen Wiig. Whether she’s portraying Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Kathy Lee Griffin, or Björk, she’s flawless. Why am I not watching Bridesmaids right now?

• This article offering tips about helping millennials find work. Normally, I find lists like this one so 2k11 (read: Thought Catalog) but Fast Company really captured my attention with it’s tips about living intentionally. That is the 20something motto after all!

• The Japanese Daiso store. During my weekend in Tokyo, I managed to visit the Takeshita Street Daiso not once, but twice. I managed to pick up some Japanese lanterns and fabric for my future DIY bunting project. While Korea does have its own version of Daiso, it comes up a little short in comparison to its Japanese counterpart.

• My iCal. After nearly 6 months without my laptop, nothing feels better than seeing that colour-coded calendar application open on my desktop.


Boracay: Remixed

“I don’t think there has been a moment on this trip where I haven’t been thinking about dancing.” – Me, New Year’s Eve 2014, Mactan-Cebu International Airport.

Boracay was music; two-steppin’ club anthems, silent earbud jamming ballads, mellowed beer sipping electronica – music. Every memory or visual from the island where everything changed is accompanied by a song, real or imagined. From umbrellas to motorcycle rides to fire dancers to Baby Aiyo to sundried tomato skin to sunsets, the music never died.

Since (mostly) everything is better the second time around, please find six remixed anthems below that, for me, are Boracay.

Bound 2 – Kanye West (Solidisco Remix)

Dance Again – Jennifer Lopez (DJ Biso Remix)

Clarity – Zedd ft. Foxes (Tiesto Remix)

Timber – Pitbull ft. Ke$ha (Randy Heat Remix)

Night Light – Jessie Ware (Joe Goddard Remix)

Thinkin Bout You – Frank Ocean (Ryan Hemsworth Bootleg)


~ObSeSsEd~: January Edition

Somehow I blinked and 2014 crept out from the shadows and stationed itself upon my lap. How absurdly cliched would I be if I said “each new year arrives faster than the last”? Likely senior-citizen-levels of absurdly cliched, methinks.

A new year means new obsessions. This month will feature an album from my favourite 1970s rock band, new school Jenny from the Block, a yummy treat from Korea, and the reigning Queen of Film proving (yet again) why she’s the Queen.

“Dance Again” by Jennifer Lopez
I credit the fire-dancing troupes in Boracay for this obsession, because I was not a fan the first time I heard this J.Lo track in 2012. Obvious points are deducted for teaming up with Pitbull, the STD of the musical collaboration world, but still: this song is near perfect.

"Tusk" (1979)

“Tusk” (1979)

Tusk by Fleetwood Mac
Despite proclamations of being a “die-hard Fleetwood Mac fan”, I’ve admittedly really only listened to their Rumours album in its entirety. But, upon my return from Boracay, I’ve been absolutely obsessed with Tusk (1979), the group’s follow-up to Rumours. In particular, the tracks “I Know I’m Not Wrong”, “The Ledge”, “Not That Funny”, “Honey Hi”, and “Think About Me” strike the most beautiful chord progressions in my heart. The album is clearly inspired by late 1970’s musical trends, notably New Wave and garage rock. Recommended for Friday nights alone in your apartment, whether for solo dance parties or hugging-your-pillow-level bouts of loneliness.

Philippine cuisine
Chicken adobo (particularly the famous “Twice-Cooked Chicken Adobo” of Boracay, currently being served at Damiana’s/Ti Braz in White Beach, station 2), chicken halang-halang, gising-gising: this country can literally do know wrong when it comes to food. I’m currently trying to remedy the fact that I’ve yet to consume any Filipino food since returning to Busan; the appeal of Korean BBQ can only last for so long…

Melt in your mouth girl, not in your hand

Melt in your mouth girl, not in your hand

White Cookie Chocolate Pepero (빼빼로)
My favourite after-school snack from the Lotte Corporation (which produces EVERYTHING in this country), Pepero is basically a Hershey’s Cookies & Cream bar melted onto a cookie. It’s AMAZING. Oddly, November 11th is an observance holiday in South Korea known as, you guessed it: “Pepero Day”. Quite similar to Valentine’s Day, where one is expected to exchange Pepero to their affections in lieu of Valentine’s cards. According to Wikipedia, its original purpose was to “exchange peperos in hopes of becoming taller and thinner”, because of course, Korea, right?

Meryl Streep on Ellen
I’m predictable but Meryl’s perfect. This is the world’s shortest rant because it’s all well-tread territory. Everyone already knows it. I mean, just try not to laugh when she’s reading the traffic report while mimicking a woman in labour. You simply can’t do it!


~ObSeSsEd~: December Edition

Most people who know me know that I have an obsessive personality. I have been known to celebrate the 500th play of select songs in my iTunes, to check Meryl Streep’s IMDB page compulsively for news about upcoming films in pre- and post-production, and to curate my GIF collection by theme AND alphabetically. But, you know, if you can’t handle me at my quoting entire scenes from The Real Housewives of Vancouver, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my decompressed, regular person self.

In that vein, I thought I would start documenting my obsessions each month in a new feature called “~ObSeSsEd~”. This month will feature some yogis that inspire me, my favourite new snack, the most underrated show on television, and a Japanese film I’ve been told to watch for years.

“Untitled” (SCUBA Remix) by Paul Woolford
I discovered this song earlier this week on Pitchfork. The piano beats midway through the track feel like home. For me, that feeling of home is writhing under a glass chandelier in some sweaty pit of humans in Montreal. We’re not in Kansas anymore.

Spirited Away

Spirited Away

Spirited Away
There’s a definite correlation between the amount of head shaking, giggling, and general “uh what?”-ing I do throughout a movie and how much I enjoy it. Hayao Miyazaki’s most beloved film is the height of gripping absurdity. Also, it’s that much absurdly gripping once you discover that the creepy girl from The Ring is the voice actress for Chihiro. Seriously: go and watch this movie if you haven’t already.

Jodi Blumstein
As referenced in a prior post, I participated in a (personal) 30 Day Yoga Challenge during November and thus bought a subscription to the wonderfully thorough online resource for all things zen and flow-y, YogaGlo. I have been pretty effective at exploring all the website has to offer – trying different styles including ashtanga, vinyasa flow, hatha, and meditative; challenging myself (gradually) by increasing the level of my flows; and finally, flowing with nearly all of the featured yoga teachers.

This brings me to my first yogi obsession – Jodi Blumstein, who specializes in my favourite, ashtanga yoga. She is the sweet and zen Jewish aunt I never had and her flows always put me in a great mood, especially after a rough day. I would recommend the following two flows for beginner/intermediate yogis: Samastithti Integrity for Beginners and Nodi Shadona – Nerve Cleansing Practice. Both are easy and accessible and made me personally fall in love with Jodi’s personal brand.

Patrick Beach

Patrick Beach

Patrick Beach
My muse and probably my all-time favourite yogi on Instagram. Follow him for daily #yogaintransit videos (and because of how ridiculously good-looking he is, duh).

Recently, I’ve decided that my coiffure needs some growth, so I’ve been letting my hair grow out. As a result, my “mad flow” requires some “morning flattening”, courtesy of my brand new red H&M snapback. The snapback is perfect because it works with every outfit, makes my students laugh, and truly adds yet another dimension to my “ironic br0” personal brand.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough QuestBar
I discovered QuestBars a couple of months ago thanks to Jess and Maddie, who have been ordering them off of iHerb (and crapping their pants, as a result) for months. Seriously, if you’re looking for a way to include more fibre in your diet without sacrificing taste, order these magical snacks immediately.

Joey Graceffa
A sexually ambiguous, adorable YouTube vlogger, with wicked hair and shiny, white teeth. Also, a cast member on the 22nd season of The Amazing Race and a rumoured cast member for the upcoming All-Stars season. Swoon.

The Good Wife

The Good Wife

The Good Wife
Florrick, Agos and Associates. Enough said. This is the best show on television, unafraid to completely rebrand itself after five seasons, and turn formerly loved characters into antagonists. Also, this moment: OH. MY. GOD. My only qualm is that we, the viewers, need more Kalinda. Santa, that’s my only wish this year.


YoMoSoFlow Playlist

I hate November; I loathe it with every fibre of my being. Everything about it feels so gray and gloomy. November for me is sort of like the middle child between the eldest, October, with its colourful foliage and cool breezes, and the youngest, December, with its commanding white, snowy majesty. It seems to read “middle child inferiority complex” all over its sullen face. I actually already documented my disdain for November during my senior year of university for a Montreal-based online magazine, Leacock’s (read here), so you know that I am a true November abolitionist, in favour of striking it from the collective consciousness altogether.

However, much like the approach I employed two years ago, I am choosing to embrace this misunderstood, penultimate, Gloom of a month. Beyond establishing an actual blogging schedule and reading more, I have multiple projects and activities I’m working on during November.

Practicing our setu bandha sarvangasana or bridge pose in front of Gwangan Bridge

First, alongside Jess, I will be doing a 30 Day Yoga Challenge. Both of us purchased a 1 month YogaGlo subscription, a fantastic website that allows you to make selections based on style, level, duration, and even by yoga instructor. My goal is fifteen 30 minute flows and fifteen 60 minute flows for the month – almost a full day of yoga. I’m *so* excited to get my asana on!

Brittany Teacher examining my beautiful handiwork...

Brittany Teacher examining my beautiful handiwork…

Second, I’ve taken up the noble sport of knitting. I visited a yarn store in Gupo Market last weekend and bought some (admittedly weak) chenille fabric to make a scarf for the impending Busan winter winds. I’ve already managed to mess up my stitches and the scarf is riddled with holes and is generally imperfect, but I’m choosing to look at the holey mess as a metaphor for my life: a work in progress. Plus, it’s got this joint Slytherin-Ravenclaw sort of vibe, meaning I’ll wear it whenever I’m feeling ruthless or crafty and will pair it with a cloak or a wry smile.

Memories of the 2012 dad-stache in the beloved #Br0Mansion

Memories of the 2012 dad-stache in the beloved #Br0Mansion

Third, for the fourth year in a row, I will be sporting the always stylish dad-stache as a Movember participant. Now, in the past I’ve focused more on simply growing the moustache for two simple reasons: first, it brings awareness to a great cause; second, it allows me to explore the limitations of my hideous facial hair over the course of a month where the mockery I endure from others is more tolerable than in any other month. This year, I’m making an active effort to raise some funds (read: SPAMMING YOU ON EVERY SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNEL IMAGINABLE). If you’d like to donate to me as an individual, please check out my personal “Mo Space” here; otherwise, I really encourage you to donate to someone. Everyone knows someone affected by cancer so help spread the word, donate some chump change, or join the cause as a MoBro or MoSista!

Let's explore nature instead of our esophageal limits!

Let’s explore nature instead of our esophageal limits!

Finally, the girls and I are engaging in the hottest new trend: autumnal sobriety! #SOvemBER will be an entire month dedicated to 2.0L bottles of water, protein shakes, and good old-fashioned, non-spiked, virgin orange juice. We’re opting for breezy, power hikes around the Busan seawall and temple visits as opposed to inebriated stumbles around KSU and toilet visits. See you in December/the Philippines, alcohol.

So, in the spirit of (YO)ga, (MO)ustaches, and (SO)briety, I’ve compiled the YoMoSoFlow playlist. These six remixes will last for a 30 minute flow and are the perfect motivation to get your asana on. Namaste!

Reachin’ for those November goals, y’all

Playing House – Active Child ft. How To Dress Well (Houses Remix)

Sweet Talk – Jessie Ware (Saux Remix)

Lion – Four Tet (Jamie xx Remix)

Youth – Daughter (Alle Farben Remix)

Tennis Court – Lorde (Cymbol 303 Remix)

Ride – Lana Del Rey (Barretso Remix)