Boracay: Remixed

“I don’t think there has been a moment on this trip where I haven’t been thinking about dancing.” – Me, New Year’s Eve 2014, Mactan-Cebu International Airport.

Boracay was music; two-steppin’ club anthems, silent earbud jamming ballads, mellowed beer sipping electronica – music. Every memory or visual from the island where everything changed is accompanied by a song, real or imagined. From umbrellas to motorcycle rides to fire dancers to Baby Aiyo to sundried tomato skin to sunsets, the music never died.

Since (mostly) everything is better the second time around, please find six remixed anthems below that, for me, are Boracay.

Bound 2 – Kanye West (Solidisco Remix)

Dance Again – Jennifer Lopez (DJ Biso Remix)

Clarity – Zedd ft. Foxes (Tiesto Remix)

Timber – Pitbull ft. Ke$ha (Randy Heat Remix)

Night Light – Jessie Ware (Joe Goddard Remix)

Thinkin Bout You – Frank Ocean (Ryan Hemsworth Bootleg)


~ObSeSsEd~: January Edition

Somehow I blinked and 2014 crept out from the shadows and stationed itself upon my lap. How absurdly cliched would I be if I said “each new year arrives faster than the last”? Likely senior-citizen-levels of absurdly cliched, methinks.

A new year means new obsessions. This month will feature an album from my favourite 1970s rock band, new school Jenny from the Block, a yummy treat from Korea, and the reigning Queen of Film proving (yet again) why she’s the Queen.

“Dance Again” by Jennifer Lopez
I credit the fire-dancing troupes in Boracay for this obsession, because I was not a fan the first time I heard this J.Lo track in 2012. Obvious points are deducted for teaming up with Pitbull, the STD of the musical collaboration world, but still: this song is near perfect.

"Tusk" (1979)

“Tusk” (1979)

Tusk by Fleetwood Mac
Despite proclamations of being a “die-hard Fleetwood Mac fan”, I’ve admittedly really only listened to their Rumours album in its entirety. But, upon my return from Boracay, I’ve been absolutely obsessed with Tusk (1979), the group’s follow-up to Rumours. In particular, the tracks “I Know I’m Not Wrong”, “The Ledge”, “Not That Funny”, “Honey Hi”, and “Think About Me” strike the most beautiful chord progressions in my heart. The album is clearly inspired by late 1970’s musical trends, notably New Wave and garage rock. Recommended for Friday nights alone in your apartment, whether for solo dance parties or hugging-your-pillow-level bouts of loneliness.

Philippine cuisine
Chicken adobo (particularly the famous “Twice-Cooked Chicken Adobo” of Boracay, currently being served at Damiana’s/Ti Braz in White Beach, station 2), chicken halang-halang, gising-gising: this country can literally do know wrong when it comes to food. I’m currently trying to remedy the fact that I’ve yet to consume any Filipino food since returning to Busan; the appeal of Korean BBQ can only last for so long…

Melt in your mouth girl, not in your hand

Melt in your mouth girl, not in your hand

White Cookie Chocolate Pepero (빼빼로)
My favourite after-school snack from the Lotte Corporation (which produces EVERYTHING in this country), Pepero is basically a Hershey’s Cookies & Cream bar melted onto a cookie. It’s AMAZING. Oddly, November 11th is an observance holiday in South Korea known as, you guessed it: “Pepero Day”. Quite similar to Valentine’s Day, where one is expected to exchange Pepero to their affections in lieu of Valentine’s cards. According to Wikipedia, its original purpose was to “exchange peperos in hopes of becoming taller and thinner”, because of course, Korea, right?

Meryl Streep on Ellen
I’m predictable but Meryl’s perfect. This is the world’s shortest rant because it’s all well-tread territory. Everyone already knows it. I mean, just try not to laugh when she’s reading the traffic report while mimicking a woman in labour. You simply can’t do it!