~ObSeSsEd~: April Edition

Given that April was my first official month with my new laptop and iPhone, the majority of my obsessions for this month somehow relate to the interwebz, applications, or electronic organization.

• This cover of one of my favourite Fleetwood Mac songs (“Dreams”) by Dana Williams and Leighton Meester. It’s the most ethereal fixture in my YouTube Favourites presently.

• Mextures and VSCO Cam. I spend an obscene amount of time using each of these photo editing applications prior to Instagram and Facebook.

• My current favourite Instagram accounts: @alltomorrowparties, @ben_kaufman, and @lidiagulyas.

• The eargasmic YouTube channel, which has been integral in repopulating my sparse iTunes library.

• Any SNL sketch featuring Kristen Wiig. Whether she’s portraying Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Kathy Lee Griffin, or Björk, she’s flawless. Why am I not watching Bridesmaids right now?

• This article offering tips about helping millennials find work. Normally, I find lists like this one so 2k11 (read: Thought Catalog) but Fast Company really captured my attention with it’s tips about living intentionally. That is the 20something motto after all!

• The Japanese Daiso store. During my weekend in Tokyo, I managed to visit the Takeshita Street Daiso not once, but twice. I managed to pick up some Japanese lanterns and fabric for my future DIY bunting project. While Korea does have its own version of Daiso, it comes up a little short in comparison to its Japanese counterpart.

• My iCal. After nearly 6 months without my laptop, nothing feels better than seeing that colour-coded calendar application open on my desktop.


~ObSeSsEd~: December Edition

Most people who know me know that I have an obsessive personality. I have been known to celebrate the 500th play of select songs in my iTunes, to check Meryl Streep’s IMDB page compulsively for news about upcoming films in pre- and post-production, and to curate my GIF collection by theme AND alphabetically. But, you know, if you can’t handle me at my quoting entire scenes from The Real Housewives of Vancouver, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my decompressed, regular person self.

In that vein, I thought I would start documenting my obsessions each month in a new feature called “~ObSeSsEd~”. This month will feature some yogis that inspire me, my favourite new snack, the most underrated show on television, and a Japanese film I’ve been told to watch for years.

“Untitled” (SCUBA Remix) by Paul Woolford
I discovered this song earlier this week on Pitchfork. The piano beats midway through the track feel like home. For me, that feeling of home is writhing under a glass chandelier in some sweaty pit of humans in Montreal. We’re not in Kansas anymore.

Spirited Away

Spirited Away

Spirited Away
There’s a definite correlation between the amount of head shaking, giggling, and general “uh what?”-ing I do throughout a movie and how much I enjoy it. Hayao Miyazaki’s most beloved film is the height of gripping absurdity. Also, it’s that much absurdly gripping once you discover that the creepy girl from The Ring is the voice actress for Chihiro. Seriously: go and watch this movie if you haven’t already.

Jodi Blumstein
As referenced in a prior post, I participated in a (personal) 30 Day Yoga Challenge during November and thus bought a subscription to the wonderfully thorough online resource for all things zen and flow-y, YogaGlo. I have been pretty effective at exploring all the website has to offer – trying different styles including ashtanga, vinyasa flow, hatha, and meditative; challenging myself (gradually) by increasing the level of my flows; and finally, flowing with nearly all of the featured yoga teachers.

This brings me to my first yogi obsession – Jodi Blumstein, who specializes in my favourite, ashtanga yoga. She is the sweet and zen Jewish aunt I never had and her flows always put me in a great mood, especially after a rough day. I would recommend the following two flows for beginner/intermediate yogis: Samastithti Integrity for Beginners and Nodi Shadona – Nerve Cleansing Practice. Both are easy and accessible and made me personally fall in love with Jodi’s personal brand.

Patrick Beach

Patrick Beach

Patrick Beach
My muse and probably my all-time favourite yogi on Instagram. Follow him for daily #yogaintransit videos (and because of how ridiculously good-looking he is, duh).

Recently, I’ve decided that my coiffure needs some growth, so I’ve been letting my hair grow out. As a result, my “mad flow” requires some “morning flattening”, courtesy of my brand new red H&M snapback. The snapback is perfect because it works with every outfit, makes my students laugh, and truly adds yet another dimension to my “ironic br0” personal brand.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough QuestBar
I discovered QuestBars a couple of months ago thanks to Jess and Maddie, who have been ordering them off of iHerb (and crapping their pants, as a result) for months. Seriously, if you’re looking for a way to include more fibre in your diet without sacrificing taste, order these magical snacks immediately.

Joey Graceffa
A sexually ambiguous, adorable YouTube vlogger, with wicked hair and shiny, white teeth. Also, a cast member on the 22nd season of The Amazing Race and a rumoured cast member for the upcoming All-Stars season. Swoon.

The Good Wife

The Good Wife

The Good Wife
Florrick, Agos and Associates. Enough said. This is the best show on television, unafraid to completely rebrand itself after five seasons, and turn formerly loved characters into antagonists. Also, this moment: OH. MY. GOD. My only qualm is that we, the viewers, need more Kalinda. Santa, that’s my only wish this year.