Teacher’s Day!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

It seems like May has been a never-ending barrage of public holidays in Korea. Two weeks ago, Children’s Day and Buddha’s Birthday were celebrated, while last week was all about showing love for mom and dad on Parent’s Day. Today, however, was the mecca of public holidays, for me anyway, because it was all about the eraser clappin’, red pen circlin’, stink eye givin’ teachers of Korea!

My friends Jess and Maddie had spoken lore of this glorious day. Their stories about Teacher’s Day in May 2013 had me seriously excited when I woke up this morning.

Teacher’s Day in South Korea is celebrated every May 15th. The premise is pretty simple – students celebrate their teachers. This “celebration” can take the form of simple gratitude or sometimes gifts. And who doesn’t love that, amirite?

While I joked with my co-workers about the prospects of $100 Starbucks gift cards and skin products, this day was just a reminder of how fortunate I’ve been this year to meet such bright, young minds. I, admittedly had a bit of a rough day today, (highs and low are inevitable on Thursdays when I teach nine classes in row), but I have so many things to be grateful for and to be inspired by. Here are just a few:

My homeroom class. The children of Happiness Class are simply in a word, “happy”. I’ve only taught this quintet for two and a half months, but they are consistently the highlight of my day. One of my students, Kevin, came into the teacher’s room early this morning and gave me a gorgeous bouquet of flowers. He was trailed by little Aiden (“Aidy”) who gave me a rice cake that I devoured before he even had time to leave the room. These nuggets make it all worth it.

My first grade boys. Formerly my daily kindy students, I now teach these four first-grade boys only three times a week. All four boys are so kind, intelligent, and well-behaved, which makes teaching them a dream. Earlier this month, one apologized for not being able to invite me to his birthday party because “he didn’t think I would have fun”. Even though we didn’t have class today, one boy named Jessy ran up to me in the hall with a toothy grin as he handed me a gift-wrapped box. This turned out to be a spill-resistant, vacuum coffee mug. Obviously the little guy knows me well, and I was astounded by his generosity on a day when I don’t even teach him!

– The sleepers. There are certain kindy students who I don’t teach as often throughout the week. As a result, I often feel that we don’t have a very close relationship; I’m just a blip on their radar. One example is little Sally from Pride Class, who completely threw me off today after presenting me with a $30 gift card to Starbucks. It’s always the quiet ones that surprise you!

– My former middle school students. Even though they are all gone now, my middle school students have been adamant about keeping in touch with me via e-mail. The best part of my day was receiving an e-mail from one student, Julia. Check below for a screenshot – this e-mail really did make me go “d’awuuuh” on my lunch break.

– My fellow co-teachers. Tireless human beings. Even when the fluorescent lights are too bright, and the air conditioning refuses to work, I can always count on them to listen to fifteen minute snarfles. Here’s to you guys.

As Teacher’s Day 2014 comes to an end, I want to wish my fellow teachers in Korea, from public schools to hagwons, as well as teachers from all over the globe, a happy and healthy evening. I’m placing a virtual apple on each and every one of your desks. Namaste!


Children’s Day!

Happy Children’s Day, everyone! May 5th is a recognized public holiday in Korea, which means I get this sunny Monday in Busan off! Yes, the irony of being an English teacher in South Korea and not having to teach on Children’s Day is not wasted on me.

Children’s Day has officially been celebrated since 1970 in Korea, and encourages children to grow and prosper without discrimination, and to hold only wisdom and bravery in their hearts. Toy stores, public parks, and department stores are apparently swarmed with kids, so you better believe I’ll be avoiding those places today!

In celebration of the up-and-coming generation of Koreans, my school hosted a full day event in dedication of the little nuggets this past Friday. This was great news for me because any day when I can derp around with my kindy kids and not teach from the world’s most boring textbooks is a fantastic one!

Each of my fellow foreigner co-teachers and I were responsible for a different station at the event. Shannon and Brandi ran the “Brown Store”. This is a basically a market where students can use the “Brown Bucks” they’ve received over the course of the month for good behaviour, and buy cute little knick-knacks. Brittany and Thomas were responsible for teaching the little noodles about food creation (read: making tiny little burgers). Robert was responsible for creating a balloon hat for each student, and I was tasked with painting all of their faces because “Dylan Teacher, you are such a good artist!” I’m not exactly sure where my head teacher got such an idea, but the misinformed sentiment was a cute one.

That said, I actually did end up having a blast painting my kiddies’ faces. I’m by no means quitting my job to become a professional face-painter, but I don’t think I was totally awful at it. Every single time I would finish, I would take a “poto” of each child’s face to get a sense of their satisfaction level and every single time their face would remain expressionless. I kept on reminding myself that this is a part of Korean culture (not letting your true feelings known through facial expression) and was eventually vindicated when the kids later thanked me for their awesomely painted face.

One of the best (albeit messiest and saddest) moments of the event came when I was painting one of my more rambunctious students’ face. A friend from his class came up to watch me as I attempted to paint a penguin holding an umbrella. I eventually required the yellow paint for the beak. When I reached over to dip my paintbrush in, I noticed that the yellow had disappeared. As I began to say “now, where did I put the yell-” I looked up to find the friend, the whiteboard, the wall, and the floor covered in yellow paint. The poor little noodle was so distraught, but I couldn’t help but giggle as I scolded him for getting too close to my work station. I guess we shouldn’t add “Compassionate Teacher” to my list of school nicknames…

After lunch, we assisted our homeroom classes with creating candy necklaces. Normally, whenever we “assist” our classes with any sort of project like this, it turns into me frantically assembling 12 candy necklaces myself. Thankfully, my class of six year olds are surprisingly resourceful and did it all by themselves. I like to think I’ve contributed to their resourcefulness but ego gets you nowhere.

Once the candy necklaces were done, I was responsible for hosting an “active” game in our auditorium known lovingly as the “Sky Room”. I basically created a version of “Corn Hole” with beanbags and hula hoops, and divided the classes into four colour-coded teams. The Pink Team (that no one initially wanted to be apart of because apparently “pink sucks”) ended up destroying all the other teams. After the game, we sang some classic songs including “Spring is Here”, “We All Go Travelling By”, and my personal favourite, “I Am A Pizza”.

Basically, Children’s Day was a total breeze of a Friday where my kiddies got to have fun without any of the pressures of English learnin’. While I will miss them tomorrow and Tuesday, (which I also have off for Buddha’s birthday, huzzah!), I’m sure their parents will treat them to all of the ddakji and patbingsu their meagre little frames can handle!

Happy Children’s Day to you and yours!


Life Round Here

It has been quite some time since I have posted an update about my day-to-day life in Busan. Between trips to the Philippines and China, busy school days that require restful weekends, and blog posts concerning my Korean Bucket List, I’ve neglected talking about myself (one of my favourite pasttimes)! That said, March marks a big turning point for my year abroad in South Korea, and I figured it was time to provide some tales about “life round here”. This blog is quite simply about change, since that has been a persistent theme in every facet of my life lately, whether discussing my school, my relationships, or even the weather.

January Birthdays

January Birthdays

Over the last three months, there has been a lot of upheaval in my workplace as a result of a merger between my hagwon and another. The ownership and management switched hands in early December, drastically altering the private academy I started with in August. There has been a lot of change; some that I’ve welcomed and has made my life as an expat working in a foreign environment much easier; some that have been wholly unwelcome and caused quite a bit of (unnecessary) tension and stress. The highs and lows of working as a teacher in South Korea have been much more acute since the merger. The days when I’m able to maintain a bubbly countenance and a focused perspective on the reasons why I’m here (my kiddies, saving money, experiencing Korean culture) are amazing, and luckily on those select days when I’m quivering with rage through gritted teeth and clenched fists, I’m able to turn to my solid global support system in South Korea, Canada, and the Philippines.

My experiences with my hagwon are not unique – the culture of teaching for foreigners in South Korea has been rapidly changing over the past year. Schools downsizing, merging, and closing are becoming the new norm. When I compare my story to some true “hagwon horror stories”, it’s pretty clear that the old adage of “things could always be worse” rings ever true.

Sweet Nina, pre-perm

Sweet Nina, pre-perm

This past Friday was pretty bittersweet. An absurd number of my favourite students ran up to me in the hallway to tell me they were switching to a different academy (some literally across the street), or would be receiving private lessons in their homes, or were simply discontinuing their English language instruction altogether. A quick high five or hug later, and they were in the elevator, out of my academy and my life, likely forever. I was lucky enough to write to a quick note to a few particularly bright students in their homework books or quickly tell them at the end of class how smart and amazing they are. I’ve grown so attached to these little noodles after spending nearly every day with them over the last seven months, and even though I knew this day would come eventually, I expected it to be on my own terms, at the end of my contract. I suppose this is what it’s like to be a parent. Even though my nest is much emptier, there are still so many amazing dumplings to teach (somewhat functional) English to, and of course, gush over in future blog posts.

Friday also marked the last day for seven – count ’em, seven teachers. I’ve been fortunate enough to have taught with five of these teachers (Joanna, Jenny, Sun, Flora, and Elly) since my very first day and it’s so strange to think that I won’t have the opportunity to coo and complain about the students and classes we share together in the teacher’s room anymore.

Come Monday, there will be new books, new students, new teachers, and new rules to greet. While it has been incredibly difficult to say goodbye to so many faces that have become so familiar and comforting over these past few months, I’m excited to break away from certain aspects of teaching that have become monotonous lately and begin the second half of my year as a teacher with a renewed attitude.

Graduation photos with my noodles from Wish Class

Graduation photos with my noodles from Wish Class

In line with all “changes” at my school, twenty-two of my third year kindergarten students “graduated” last week! If you didn’t know, kindergarten graduation is a HUGE deal at Korean hagwons. Basically, every private academy in South Korea is in a blind, panicked frenzy from the beginning of January until mid-February, as they work to teach their students a graduation play and/or song. The next six weeks are all about line memorization, learning to speak into a microphone, effective stage blocking, choreography, and costume selection, in preparation for performance day when the parents come to watch. The stakes are high – if performance day is not up to snuff, many parents are likely to pull their students out of the academy. There’s a lot of pressure for both the teachers and students to perform well, and in my personal opinion, perhaps a little too much pressure to put on children at such a young age.

I was responsible for the graduation performances of both Star and Happiness Class. These are my youngest students, aged 4 and 5, many of whom have only been learning English for half a year. This actually relieved some of the pressure off of me: since they are so young and low-level, it doesn’t really matter what they say or do because they’ll look absolutely precious doing it. Star Class and I practiced a shortened play adaptation of “Five Little Monkeys”, and a song titled “I Am The Music Man”, while I authored a play titled “The Desert Island” (a la my favourite television show LOST), as well as choreography to a song called “Walking Through the Jungle” for Happiness Class. I have to say: after a full six weeks of practicing each of these plays and songs, I truly never want to hear any of them again. After graduation, I still had students humming or making references to their songs and plays, prompting me to threaten removing a star off their sticker board. “Music Man, anneyo! Teacher does not like!”

Star Class angels on Seollal

Star Class angels on Seollal

On the day of graduation, the children, donned in adorable (if not slightly inappropriate) costumes that often showcased their midriffs, were graciously welcomed onstage to perform their class play, song, and dance. I served as the foreign Master of Ceremonies for our school’s graduation performance, so I got to witness every single performance. On the whole, the performances can only be described as “disastrously adorable”. There were lots of issues with sound, blocking, and remembering lines, but at the end of the day, the majority of these children were born the year I was a university freshman – NOT THAT LONG AGO – and still did an amazing job. All the students of Star and Happiness Class received big hugs for bravery and bags of candy for making Dylan Teacher proud.

Starting on Monday, I will only be seeing my seven year old graduates for only two periods a day in the afternoon, as opposed to the five hours I spent with them daily for over half a year. Luckily, my new March schedule has me teaching 2/3rds of these little graduates, who, I can assure you, will be experiencing a whole new level of crazy from “Jombie” (read: “Zombie”) Teacher in the afternoons.

My girls and I (featuring Bacon Boy!)

My girls and I (featuring Bacon Boy!)

Goodbyes and Hellos
Part of making it this far into my contract also means that goodbyes are inevitable. Teaching in South Korea is a constant revolving door – people are always coming and going. This transient environment definitely puts an egg timer on becoming close with people.

After seven months together, two legs of “the tripod”, Jess and Maddie, are leaving Busan. They have come to the end of their teaching contracts and will be embarking on a new adventure, travelling across Southeast Asia, India, and South America over the next five months. These two girls have been so integral to every step of my journey – from the world’s longest Facebook thread about getting me to Busan, to giving me an insider’s perspective about life in Korea pre-departure, to serving as my tour guide upon arrival, to travelling to Bijindo and Boracay together, to spending every weekend together – we’ve done it all and we’ve done it all together. I know life will continue in Busan, but it will definitely be an adjustment without my two solid pillars of strength, stinking up my life. Jess and Maddie, I love you both! I am so excited for all of the adventures you are both going to have, and for all of the adventures the three of us are soon to have again. All my vibes to my Curly Sue and Straightened Jew. ❤

Just as I say goodbye to two lovely ladies, I say hello to another friend from Canada, Steph Pellett, who recently made the bold and brave move to move to South Korea to teach! I couldn’t be more thrilled to bring a new friend into the the crazy South Korean fold. It’s seriously perfect timing with the summer season fast approaching and I’m so excited to play tour guide to Steph, while also having a new buddy to blog and do yoga with. Godspeed, Steph!



A quick rapidfire, bullet-point list of other updates:

– Summer is almost here. While it has been slightly rainier than I would prefer, the temperatures in Busan have been positively sweater-only appropriate. I cannot wait for my Korean co-teachers to throw me shade and mention how “brown my skin looks” after an entire weekend on the beach!

– I’ll be staying put in South Korea for the duration of my contract, travelling only to Seoul for Ultra Music Festival in June, and Jeju-do in July. Mary will be joining me on both trips, and we are so excited to pull out our face-paint for Above and Beyond at Ultra and do some cliff-diving in Jeju! I’ll only be travelling in Korea to save some money because:

– I’ve applied to school in Canada for January 2015! After two years of relative freedom and learning some valuable life lessons, it’s time to once again hit the books in a classroom setting. But, not before:

– I go to Southeast Asia for four months! My current plan is to return to the Philippines once my contract is finished in early August, spend some time with my laberboy in Boracay, see what kind of work I can find, and potentially do some travelling in Thailand and Cambodia before returning to Canada at around Christmas time.

That’s about it for life round here, y’all. Stay tuned for blog updates about my trip to Beijing, and Bucket List posts including Taejongdae Resort Park, Hurshimchung Spa, The Busan Museum or Art, and others! Namaste.


Hi from Dylan Teacher!

Before you start reading this post, thinking, “wow, this is Dylan’s first post in over a month”, let me just say that I am right there with you and realize that I have neglected Millennial Abroad, like a career-obsessed parent and their latch-key child. Blogging was just so much easier to accomplish in Brockville during those pre-departure days. Chalk this one up to Busan being infinitely more interesting than Eastern Onterrible.

While these next few weeks show no signs of slowing down, I’ve challenged myself to expend more energy maintaining Millennial Abroad (read: at least one post a week). A boy can only eat so much delicious Korean BBQ, sunbathe on so many beaches, and obsess over so many episodes of Orange is the New Black.

I thought an appropriate (first/substantive) topic to blog about would be my occupation as an English teacher, given that’s my primary purpose for relocating to South Korea and where I spend the majority of my time, week-to-week. Without further ado, I will now attempt to describe the first four weeks in the life of my alter ego, “Dylan Teacher” as thoroughly as my limited simian brain can muster. Off we go.


The LCI Kids Club logo - "Learn English, Learn the World"

The LCI Kids Club logo – “Learn English, Learn the World”

I am working full-time as an ESL teacher at a hawgon (private academy) called LCI Kids Club in Centum City, a fantastic urban development in the heart of Haeundae-gu (‘gu’ means ‘district’ in Korean). Centum City is an absolute dream location. It’s fabulous, chic, and it bustles and rustles with yuppies, fashionistas, and families alike.

Perhaps most notably, Centum City is home to the Shinsegae Centum City Department Store, otherwise known as the largest shopping complex in the world, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. In other words, I scored a teaching contract in one of the foremost areas of Busan and I am super blessed because I am able to frequently stroll through Shinsegae drooling over Armani watches and Prada suits, while wearing $12 loafers from H&M.

The LCI Kids Club elevator, otherwise known as the slowest moving elevator in all of Busan

The LCI Kids Club elevator, otherwise known as the slowest moving elevator in all of Busan

Shinsegae has over 700 stores, a full-sized ice rink, a CGV Theatre, a four-story golf driving range, a park on the roof, and most importantly, Spaland. If I haven’t already filled you in on Spaland over iMessage, Facebook messages, or Whatsapp, it is a fantastic oasis where this millennial enters most Sundays, a groggy, incoherent, hungover mess, and emerges a refreshed, invigorated, functional member of society, ready to face another week of school. [I will discuss Spaland at length in a future blog post.]

In addition to Shinsegae, Centum City is also home to BEXCO (The Busan Exhibition and Convention Centre, an international convention centre with 8 floors), Dureraum (the Busan film center for Pusan International Film Festival or PIFF), the Busan Design Center, the Lotte Department Store – the list just goes on and on.

The view of Centum City from the Centum Makus building that houses LCI is fantastic: towering skyscrapers and (mostly) clear skies for as far as the eye can see. If you’re in the right classroom at the right moment, you can even see Gwangalli beach. What a sweet life it is.


No rest for the wicked

No rest for the wicked

My day is broken up into two halves. In the mornings, I teach kindergarten students who are 5-7 years old in Korean years, meaning they are 3-5 years old in Western years. [To be quite honest, I set a reminder in my iPhone to research the Korean age reckoning system weeks ago but have yet to venture down Wikipedia Road. Soon.] In the afternoons, I teach elementary and middle school aged children, between the ages of 6 and 14.

Every school day begins at 10AM. Typically, I have five 35-minute classes in the morning with my kindergarten (or kindy) students, except for Mondays and Wednesdays when I have a crucial break during fourth period. I often take this opportunity to refuel with a soy caramel macchiato, because, if you weren’t aware, working with young children can be absolutely-frickin’-exhausting. In the afternoons, I have two to four 50-minute classes with my elementary and middle school students.

LCI Kids CLub classroom

LCI Kids CLub classroom

I teach a variety of classes to my kindy students, including Verbal Academics, Writing, Arts, Story Telling, Picture Story, Musical, and Science.

Verbal Academics focuses on learning vocabulary for a specific unit and asking and answering questions in full sentences. For example, this session we are learning about “Places We Can Live”. My kindy kids (usually) pick up vocabulary words very quickly, but need encouragement to speak in full sentences (i.e. “Do you live in an apartment?” and having them answering “Yes, I live in an apartment” instead of simply “yes”.) This is one of my favourite classes because I teach it to the lowest level English speakers who are coincidentally the most adorable as well. They hang off my arms and legs when I walk into class and yell “teacher, teacher!” and are so eager to show me what little English they know that I often have to mop my melted heart off of the floor. The cutest thing is when they have something really important to tell me but can’t form the proper sentence and what follows is a sequence of jumbled half-English, half-Korean usually followed by a giggle or high-pitched “teacher!”

Slaving away in Writing Class

Slaving away in Writing Class

Writing varies from class to class, depending on their age and English level (1, 2 or 3). I teach from a textbook that focuses on listening exercises, word scrambles, fill-in-the-blanks, and basic letter writing. The majority of the students in my classes are super competitive and always scream out the answer, even when I’ve asked another student who has patiently raised their hand. I usually put on my stern teacher face, but in reality I’m happy to play some part in crafting another generation of SUPER KEENERS. The one thing I do often forget with my kindy kids is how low level they are, so on days when I have not caffeinated myself enough/am in a bad mood, I will poke a little fun at my kids. For example, one of my students the other day wrote “Me sleep on the house”. Beyond the obvious correction of the misused personal pronoun “me”, I proceeded to draw the little tyke sleeping on top of a house to really drive the point home. Silly Dylan Teacher elicited some laughs and, in my opinion, taught a very valuable lesson in the process. I make sure that snark is a key element of my teaching personal brand in every class.

Ajima the Spider

Ajima the Spider

Arts is probably my least favourite class for the simple fact that quickly after explaining the art project, the class switches gears to “watch Dylan Teacher frantically scramble to assemble said art project for 9 different children in 35 minutes to the sounds of said children exclaiming ‘Teacher! Help!’ in the whiniest (but cutest) voices ever”. In addition, there have been too many art projects where my ego has been bruised after incorrectly assembling an art project designed for a 6 year old. Alas, I did make a pretty ballin’ spider for myself (see below) in one art class that I have named Ajima (which also means “mature, older woman” in Korean – don’t read too much into that).

Letting Youtube tell the stories

Letting Youtube tell the stories

Storytelling can be fun, but it totally depends on the class (read: any class larger than six is usually a struggle in keeping the attention of all the children). The key to storytelling is picking books with interesting enough pictures to then ask the children questions about because to be frankly honest, they are not listening to the actual content – they are looking for Dylan Teacher to speak in weird voices for the gremlin and the scary lion and for some crazy watercolour paintings. A quick anecdote: The most ridiculous I have felt since arriving in Korea was in storytelling class with my second year kindy students. I noticed the school library had a book by Will Smith titled “Just The Two Of Us”. Little did I know that this was not a story adaptation of the beloved 90s song but rather the lyrics simply implanted in a 13 page storybook. The only thing funnier than reading “Ha ha, I wanna kiss you all the time / But I will test that butt when you cut out of line, tru dat” is reading said prose to a group of seven year old Koreans who literally have no idea why you are doubling over in laughter at the front of the class.

Somehow, I will never forget the "Phone Box" picture story...

Somehow, I will never forget the “Phone Box” picture story…

Picture Story focuses on one of the primary things I disagree with when it comes to the Korean school system: passive memorization. The premise of this class is that there are two sets of cards; one set that tells the story, one set that has corresponding pictures. The kids basically memorize the story and then match the pictures to the sentences. I don’t really think it adds much to the otherwise strong curriculum and we focus on the same picture story for an entire month, so it can be difficult to find creative ways to teach it every class. This class, truthfully, often devolves into games of hangman where I encourage the proper spelling of vocabulary learned from the picture story.

Musical is one of my favourite classes (and not just because it’s a lot of self-learning)! The kindy kids get so into the musicals, and it’s so adorable seeing them act out the scenes. Each student portrays a different character and reads/sings along with a CD for the first two weeks. After those two weeks, we switch the CD off and it’s time for my little baby birdies to fly free. We are currently working on a Hallowe’en themed musical that the kindys will act out in October and I have already told my Wisdom Class that we will have the best musical of all the classes (I also may have muttered “or else” at the end of that sentence, but as if my kids understood *that* part, right?!)

My boys killin' it in Science Class

My boys killin’ it in Science Class

Science is usually a simple experiment that only serves to remind Dylan Teacher that he was a social sciences/humanities student. We usually discuss the experiment and run through the 5 W’s before I begin assembling the students’ work. A quick anecdote: in my Star Class, which are my two youngest students, we learned how light worked. After assembling the tiny lights, my two little boys ran around the classroom with their lights shrieking “angel, angel!” They also made their two lights “kiss”, complete with puckering noises.

My afternoon classes are more advanced and focus heavily on writing and speaking. Given that my afternoon students are between the ages of 7 and 14, I expect more from them, which is often a lot of pressure to place on young kids trying to learn a new language. I really try to remember myself struggling in French classes this time last year when my students have difficulty understanding concepts or write an incoherent sentence. My afternoon classes include Verbal Academics, Writing, and Science, just like the morning, but also included Picture Description, Report Writing, and Debates.

Happiness Class making my heart swell

Happiness Class making my heart swell

Picture Description is pretty straightforward: we supply a workbook with a series of different pictures, and talk about what we see. After compiling a list of 15-20 new vocabulary words, my students have to write a series of sentences describing what they see, in as much detail as possible. I have made a really marked effort these past three weeks to correct the students work *with* the student, as opposed to simply marking independently and giving the book back to the student to rewrite because I noticed a lot of the same mistakes week-to-week. It’s too early to say, but I really feel as though the students are benefiting from this new system. I’ve already seen vast improvements and more creative sentences as a result!

These kids go *apeshit* over their stickers

These kids go *apeshit* over their stickers

Report Writing and Debates are very similar. Depending on the level of the students, we supply newspapers (Kinder Times, Kids Times, and Teen Times) to the students. Each class, we select a new article to read and discuss. We focus on the 5 W’s and new vocabulary words in Report Writing, while we focus on intellectually stimulating conversation in Debate class. The students are then responsible for crafting a proper essay, with three arguments to support their thesis. It is seriously so refreshing after a morning of speaking in broken English to very young kids, to be able to hold a conversation with students who prove that the system works. One of my students used the word “contentious” last week and it seriously brightened my day.

Pay close attention the the track listing...

Pay close attention the the track listing…

Another interesting way we try to teach English to the older students is with pop songs. At the beginning of every class, the students select two songs from a CD to listen and sing along to. Listening to a group of ten year old Koreans sing “Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack”, or “You’re from the 70s, but I’m a 90s bitch” literally never gets old.


Discipline within my classes is an everyday struggle. I have mentioned this point to many friends who have inquired what teaching in a foreign country is like: when you’re trying to explain something to a young child in their native language, they can at least comprehend what you are saying, even if they don’t understand your rationality. Trying to discipline kids and explain to them what they did wrong when they don’t speak your language is nearly impossible, because they don’t even comprehend what you’re saying, let alone your rationality.

Students who misbehave lose stars or go "star down" (according to my students)

Students who misbehave lose stars or go “star down” (according to my students)

I think before coming to Busan I had this romantic vision of a sea of obedient young Korean students, expectantly waiting for me to enter the classroom with toothy grins and a big “hello teacher!” in unison. Don’t get me wrong, this is quite often the case – my kindy kids will run up to me and kiss my hands, pat my arm and leg hair (which they are OBSESSED with), and hug me. However, there will be days where I leave my classes hoarse from shouting, quivering with rage. Students who speak Korean after I’ve told them a dozen times that we only speak English in class. Students who say “no” when you ask them to take out their books. Students who showboat and misbehave simply for the attention. Students who fight over the most petty things with other students, be it an eraser, how to pronounce something, or the colour of something in a book. There have been days where I have sat down in the bathroom stall alone between classes just to absorb the quiet.

Beware Dylan Teacher if you break the rules

Beware Dylan Teacher if you break the rules

That all being said, most days I realize that my experiences are not unique. Every single teacher, parent, grandparent, babysitter, older sibling, librarian, or daycare owner has dealt with this, and if anything, I have more respect for that list of people as a result. Weirdly enough, I also have more respect for children. There’s nothing more rewarding than entering a classroom where you know a troublemaker is waiting for you and expecting the absolute worst, only for the bell to ring 35 minutes later, and the student worked quietly, or actively participated in classroom discussions, or provided the right answers to your questions. At the end of the day, the pros far outweigh the cons of the job.


I have really fantastic co-workers. Everyone was super helpful during my first week when I was completely overwhelmed by the rows and rows of textbooks, teaching schedules, and the often finicky copy machine. I work with three foreign teachers (from the USA, Chile, and Ireland – we’re a diverse bunch) and nine Korean teachers. My head teachers – Lauren and Esther – are incredibly sweet, and encouraging, always willing to patiently listen to any questions or concerns. It’s such a happy and welcoming environment to walk into every day, I feel very lucky to work with the team that I do!

Special Events

Friday August 16th, 2013 – Kindergarten-wide Water Fight


















Friday August 23rd, 2013 – August Birthday Party

Birthday Party IMG_2251 IMG_2254 IMG_2255 IMG_2260 IMG_2261 IMG_2268 IMG_2273














Overall Impressions

Starting a new job anywhere is an adjustment, whether in your home country or abroad. I have been incredibly fortunate to find year-long employment in a place where the elevator doors open and I find myself greeted by a sea of smiling children.

It’s still crazy to think that I have already taught for 5 weeks. I am so excited to see what the next 47 weeks have in store for me!