End of Summer Roundup











1. My fateful departure from Busan. In the blink of an eye, my year as an English Teacher came to an end. While I was ready to move on, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t having “some feels” about my time in South Korea. Thankfully, I left the country with a belly full of sundubu jigae, a pair of espadrilles full of sand and memories to last a lifetime.

2. Just as my chapter in Korea finished, a new book of adventures unfolded in Toronto! Admittedly, I hold a pretty big torch for Montréal (read: 5 à 7, poutine and smoked meat) but am genuinely excited to become familiar with a new city. So far, I am falling in love with Little Italy, Trinity Bellwoods and all of the brunch spots lining College Street. In this case, you really can take the boy out of Brockville and the Brockville out of the boy.

3. Speaking of, I went home to Brockville for a quick fortnight after returning from Korea. My time in Brockville started off pretty rocky – my mom broke her wrist and I shattered my iPhone – but after a couple of days I settled into my temporary (Onterrible) fate. Shoutouts to my lovely Brockville girls, my parents’ Netflix and fully stocked fridge and Mikhail Bulgakov for writing the longest saga known to man/putting me to sleep in my backyard.

4. I recently moved into my new apartment in Long Branch, away from the hustle-and-bustle of downtown Toronto (it is still to be determined if this was a mistake or not – will inform). That said, my initial expectations of Etobicoke as a crack haven stronghold for members of the “Ford Nation” were replaced with placid cul-de-sacs and consistent streetcar service. Long Branch even has a Burrito Boyz, proving I don’t need the College Street location to increase my mass this winter.

5. Despite last year’s unofficial mantra of “not needing an education to be, all [I] need is a Dream And An MPC“, I started my (last?!) year as a student in the #humberPR program. I’m SO lucky to be enrolled with my best friend and partner-in-crime, Susie (pictured above) and so far, I’m learning a lot of useful information. Like, for example, ALL of the Canadian Press grammar rules, the difference between an objective, a strategy and a tactic, and how awful I am(/someday will be) at investing in the stock market. Sometimes, learning is also about understanding what you’re not good at, right?

6. After three months apart, my beautiful Yusra came to visit Toronto! As you may recall, Yusra and I tore it up Busan in late June and this visit proved we still got it. I’m getting excited about my trip to visit her in British Columbia over my reading week in four short months. Best Coast – yeah!

7. I love all the helpful PR-related things I’m learning but I may just love my PRC-0LA classmates/crew even more. As if we didn’t spend enough time together during class time, group project meetings and study dates, we also organize super cute Thirsty Thursday events at the local watering hole, Brooklyn Haus. I think it’s safe to say I’ve ditched my official Korean mantra of “No New Friends”. It’s bae season and you’re all invited!

8. It’s no surprise that I love live music, but seriously guys, I have taken “Treat Yo Self” to positively 2K14 levels. Over the last four weeks, I have attended seven concerts throughout Toronto, namely Lorde, Sylvan Esso, Metronomy, Nick Waterhouse, Slow Magic, Tennis and Beach House. Life is a balance and I regret nothing: put it on my tombstone.

9. In a shameful turn of events, I have not practiced yoga since this photo was taken at the end of August. That said, this was my first ever flow led by my amazing friend/recently accredited yoga teacher Jess Sternberg! ALSO, I’m very excited to take part in my 2nd Annual #SOvemBER 30 Day Yoga Challenge. November will undoubtedly be spent in downward dog at my local yoga studio, Branch.

10. This is just a photo of the people who make me happy on a Friday night. Welcome home, Maddie and Jess. Welcome to the fray, Matt and Scott.


#NOsheaga Playlist

It’s time.

Time for hoards of balmy woo-girls/br0s to pack themselves onto the Yellow line of the STM, donning carefully selected bandeaus and male tanks that will undeniably be soaked with sweat, rain, and beer by Sunday evening and subsequently thrown into a plastic bag, packed deeply away into a tiny aperture of their suitcases, and destined to only ever make brief appearances at Avicii concerts and university-wide drinking events.

Time to pretend like you’re obsessed with that new up-and-coming DJ who you “saw” at Piknic three weeks ago (read: heard dimly in the distance while smoking down by the water and watching the sunset over Montréal).

Time to scramble and listen to 3 or 4 of the most recognizable songs from that band or artist you told yourself you would start listening to back in May, but since you find it so hard to sit down and actually stream new music simply haven’t and instead will fake like you know the lyrics in order to garner the fleeting respect of your friends and peers.

Time to lather on the sunscreen, buy some cheap flats, and prepare yourself for the inevitable tinnitus you’ll suffer for the next week because it’s Osheaga time!

It’s hard not to be a little bummed after attending Osheaga almost every year since 2009 (I was absent in 2010 due to travels in Europe), but luckily Busan more than compensates. To my lucky friends attending, the SOLD OUT festival this weekend: have fun, be safe, and rage hard. I look forward to the biddy-licious tweets and Instagram photos.

In the spirit of one of my favourite weekends in one of my favourite cities, I did one of my favourite things (compiling a playlist) in one of my least favourite states (severe jet lag). Hopefully this playlist will serve as the Peter Saarsgard to your Carey Mulligan and provide “an education” about some fantastic artists in the few fateful hours leading up to Osheaga. Additionally, interspersed throughout this post are my “Top 5 Osheaga Memories” from the years I have attended (2009, 2011, 2012). Enjoy!

“Forget” by Lianne La Havas
Playing: Friday August 2nd, 4:10-4:55PM, Scène Verte

“Imagine It Was Us” by Jessie Ware
Playing: Sunday August 4th, 3:00-3:45PM, Scène de la Montagne

“My Blood” by Ellie Goulding
Playing: Friday August 2nd, 5:45-6:45PM, Scène de la Montagne

“Swimming Pools (Drank)” by Kendrick Lamar
Playing: Sunday August 4th, 7:00-8:00PM, Scène de la Rivière

Top Osheaga Memories #5: Bright Eyes (2011)

Top Osheaga Memories #5: Bright Eyes (2011)

“Youth” by Daughter
Playing: Friday August 2nd, 2:50-3:30PM, Scène de la Montagne

“Under the Same Sun” by Ben Howard
Playing: Friday August 2nd, 3:30-4:15PM, Scène de la Rivière

“I Was A Fool” by Tegan and Sara
Playing: Saturday August 3rd, 5:10-6:05PM, Scène de la Rivière

“Backlines” by Stars
Playing: Saturday August 3rd, 4:20-5:10PM, Scène de la Montagne

Top Osheaga Memories #4: Austra (2012)

Top Osheaga Memories #4: Austra (2012)

“Girlfriend” by Icona Pop
Playing: Sunday August 4th, 4:20-5:00PM, Scène Verte

“All The Time” by Diamond Rings
Playing: Friday August 2nd, 8:30-9:10PM, Scène des Arbre

“Enemies” by Hannah Georgas
Playing: Sunday August 4th, 4:40-5:20PM, Scène des Arbre

“Nowhere” by Wild Nothing
Playing: Saturday August 3rd, 1:10-1:50PM, Scène Verte

Top Osheaga Memories #3: Coldplay (2009)

Top Osheaga Memories #3: Coldplay (2009)

“Silver Rings” by Majical Cloudz
Playing: Friday August 2nd, 1:00-1:30PM, Scène Verte

“When A Fire Starts to Burn” by Disclosure
Playing: Sunday August 4th, 8:00-8:50PM, Scène Piknic Electronik

“Away Frm U” by Oberhofer
Playing: Friday August 2nd, 2:10-2:50PM, Scène de la Rivière

“Do It Again” by Guards
Playing: Friday August 2nd, 1:55-2:35PM, Scène Verte

Top Osheaga Memories #2: Janelle Monáe

Top Osheaga Memories #2: Janelle Monáe (2011)

“I Feel Better” by Hot Chip
Playing: Sunday August 4th, 9:45-10:45PM, Scène Verte

Bonus Tracks:

“Sweet Life” by Frank Ocean
Cancelled (Read here)

“Night Bus” by Lucy Rose
Cancelled (Read here)

“Esta Noche” by Azealia Banks
Cancelled (Read here)

Top Osheaga Memories #1: Bloc Party (2012)

Top Osheaga Memories #1: Bloc Party (2012)

Feel free to share your Top Osheaga Memory or an Osheaga artist/song not to be missed in the comments!