Spicy Sriracha Bruschetta

This is a 25 Before 25 post. Check out the rest of my list here.

Spicy Sriracha Bruschetta

Upon accepting the 25 Before 25 challenge, I wanted to ensure that I created a list of goals and tasks that would enhance or improve my life. I began looking at areas in my life where I could identify shortcomings and almost immediately, the word ‘kitchen’ came to mind.

love food. I really, really love food. However, I am a terrible cook. The irony of this situation is that I was employed in the kitchen at Big in Japan in Montréal for over two months. I actually prepared food for the masses in a busy St. Laurent restaurant, five days a week and yet, I am still terrified of the kitchen. Oi.

With this 25 Before 25 challenge, I’m hoping to curtail my fear of slicing, dicing, baking and broiling. While I plan on taking a ploddingly simple approach to my cooking dilemma, I also plan on completing my goal of 12 new recipes before my birthday in August.

In line with my “ploddingly simple” approach, I found a simple bruschetta recipe at Simply Recipes. Bruschetta is one of my favourite appetizers, year-round. I have had success making guacamole and three-layer dips before so this recipe was quite easy to prepare.

I did make a few variations given my love for all things spicy. Elise’s recipe needed a little extra kick, so inevitably it was Sriracha to the rescue…

– 6 to 8 plum tomatoes
– 4 to 5 yellow onions
– 2 cloves of garlic (about 2 teaspoons)
– 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
– 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
– 5 to 8 fresh cilantro leaves
– 1 tbsp of table (or kosher) salt
– 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice
– 2 to 4 healthy squirts of Sriracha sauce

1. Dice the tomatoes and onions and add to a mixing bowl.
2. Mince the garlic and cilantro.
3. Add the olive oil, vinegar, lemon juice and kosher salt.
4. Mix in the Sriracha sauce until appropriate inferno levels!

This is a quick and simple recipe that even the most inept can’t mess up. It was a big confidence-builder for me, someone who considers himself a ‘kitchen brute’. This bruschetta is perfect for those days when you’re looking for a small snack or something quick to whip up for a potluck with pals.

I’m starting with small recipes (mostly small appetizers and dips) but I’m hopeful that my kitchen skills will continue to improve. I’m hoping to take on a large-scale cooking project by the time I get around to recipe #12. #Pray4Dyl, because I’ll likely need those prayers.

Happy weekend times!

What (easy) recipe should I make for my next 25 Before 25 project?
Comment below!