Blog and All His Friends

BloggingThe blogsophere is what Benedict Anderson calls an “imagined community” given that very few users have face-to-face interactions with one another. However, this blog post is meant to bring some attention to a few very special members of both my imagined blogosphere community and my real life.

Below you’ll find four fantastic blogs that focus on a range of topics including photography, travel, fashion, food, and music. I encourage you to browse them and if you like what you see, bookmark them, like or comment on their posts, and keep visiting, because remember – website traffic is the currency of blogs, y’all!

Jess Be Stern
A blog that proves living an active and healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to elicit a groan or a pout. Beautiful yoga photography, creative recipes for healthy epicureans, and travel reverie from author Jess Sternberg.

Life in Limbo
Professional and aesthetically pleasing, this blog will leave you with a case of the “feel goods”. Self-reflexive author Steph Pellett is a jack of all trades and will appeal to photographers, foodies, podcasters, and world travellers alike.

Author Vidal Wu transcends from tabula rasa to “Tumblr rasa”, combining a simple layout with an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the fashion world, relatable personal anecdotes, and beautiful fashion photography.

The Magpye
A captivating look into the fixations of a “prodigal daughter” (read: former ex-pat). The blog showcases author Kristen Pye’s impeccable taste and writing, and provides exposure for up-and-coming photographers and musicians.