25 Before 25


Earlier this week, I celebrated my 24th birthday. I spent the day at orientation for my upcoming Public Relations degree, securing a room in a beautiful townhouse, celebrating with friends in downtown Toronto, and reflecting on all that I’ve achieved and experienced over the past year. It was truly a perfect day.

As someone who loves long-form to-do lists (read: my Korean Bucket List) and having “all of the experiences”, I wanted a way to first, set realistic goals for 24, and second, to share and document them. My friend Steph over at Life in Limbo created just that – a long-form to-do list, after her 23rd birthday in March, called “24 Before 24“. The concept is simple: a list of goals to increase her happiness over the course of the next year. I fell in love with this idea the first time she did this two year ago, (check out her “22 Before 22“, too), and am happy to announce that I’ve created my own “25 Before 25” list!

The reason I love this project is because Steph has set parameters for herself that fall perfectly in line with one of our favourite mantras: “be gentle with yourself”. The list is meant to be a source of inspiration and to put a focus on having new adventures, as opposed to stressing about ticking off every single box.

That said, I already know that my Type-A personality is going to have a lot of trouble not stressing out about finishing everything. However, I’m so thankful to be surrounded by so many amazing people, especially Steph, who will remind me to slow down, to find my breath, and to be gentle with myself. I’m so excited for this project and a new year – here’s to 24!

1. Run a race
2. Read 12 great books (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
3. Learn 12 new recipes (1)
4. Develop a disposable camera each season
5. Go to an ugly sweater holiday party
6. Learn my favourite song on guitar
7. See Shakespeare in the Park
8. Try lobster for the first time
9. Volunteer for 3 great causes (1)
10. Do a free-standing handstand
11. Visit Vancouver
12. Spend a day in the snow like a kid
13. Take a road trip
14. Attend a music festival
15. Redesign my blog
16. Have a tie-dye party
17. Knit something
18. Take a spa day
19. Improve my French
20. Buy a record player
21. Try caviar for the first time
22. Write articles for 4 websites
23. Create a professional webpage
24. Send 12 love letters to friends across the globe (1)
25. Interview my grandparents for their 65th wedding anniversary

5 thoughts on “25 Before 25

  1. Pingback: 22 Before 22 | HKD

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