Obsessed: June

Obsessed: June

During June 2012, my best friend Susie and I marked our foray into real life after convocation with the hashtag #shitjustgotrealjune. With only one month left in South Korea before I head back to Canada for another year of school in Toronto, I can’t feel like that hashtag rings ever true.

That said, June was quite laid-back and fun, and thus, my obsessions are a reflection of that. This month features some fearless fashion choices, inevitable selections on my summer playlist, and a new life mantra alongside “suum cuuique” and “#speakyourtruth”.

• June was certainly not the first time I had heard “Va Va Voom” by Nicki Minaj, but it was the month that my love for it was reignited.

• My perfect new maxim in life, courtesy of Yusra: “Assume everyone that you date is crazy until they prove otherwise”, which is also perfectly summarized in this article by Ronda Rich: “Listen, I’ve gotten involved with crazy people and they were recommended to me by people who professed to like me. Crazy is too much trouble. I’d rather spend the rest of my life alone with a library of books and my DVR.”

• My current favourite Instagram accounts: @adventuringalex, a fellow English teacher/ex-pat living in South Korea; @shaktikingh, cityscapes for those who lust to wander; and @graymalin, for those who love and lead with glamour first.

• “Art History: Women Ignoring Men” gave my soul some life this month, effectively replacing “How To Be A Heartbreaker” as my maxim in life. It’s just too much work, Marina.

• I don’t know exactly where I was during the whole “Honey Badger” viral video phase nearly three and half years ago, (although, based on the date stamp on the YouTube video, I can assume that I was falling asleep in a lecture on the Reformation during my junior year), but Dylan don’t care. Dylan don’t give a shyt that he missed the boat, because he’s on it now.

• I have been itching to find a pair of ajumma pants recently. On my monthly retail therapy at H&M, I shamelessly purchased a pair of female leggings (on sale!) that felt “ajumma-esque” in every way but fit. These are not the exact pair that I bought, but are in a very similar black and white pattern. I can proudly say that they are incredibly comfy and will greatly aid in my yoga practice. Look for them soon on my Instagram tag, #yogaboyinloafers!

• I mean, no one can take down Queen Bey’s “Jealous“, but Chromeo’s version definitely comes in a close second. Thanks to Yusra for some new blood on the leaves of my iTunes tree.

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