~ObSeSsEd~: April Edition

Given that April was my first official month with my new laptop and iPhone, the majority of my obsessions for this month somehow relate to the interwebz, applications, or electronic organization.

• This cover of one of my favourite Fleetwood Mac songs (“Dreams”) by Dana Williams and Leighton Meester. It’s the most ethereal fixture in my YouTube Favourites presently.

• Mextures and VSCO Cam. I spend an obscene amount of time using each of these photo editing applications prior to Instagram and Facebook.

• My current favourite Instagram accounts: @alltomorrowparties, @ben_kaufman, and @lidiagulyas.

• The eargasmic YouTube channel, which has been integral in repopulating my sparse iTunes library.

• Any SNL sketch featuring Kristen Wiig. Whether she’s portraying Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Kathy Lee Griffin, or Björk, she’s flawless. Why am I not watching Bridesmaids right now?

• This article offering tips about helping millennials find work. Normally, I find lists like this one so 2k11 (read: Thought Catalog) but Fast Company really captured my attention with it’s tips about living intentionally. That is the 20something motto after all!

• The Japanese Daiso store. During my weekend in Tokyo, I managed to visit the Takeshita Street Daiso not once, but twice. I managed to pick up some Japanese lanterns and fabric for my future DIY bunting project. While Korea does have its own version of Daiso, it comes up a little short in comparison to its Japanese counterpart.

• My iCal. After nearly 6 months without my laptop, nothing feels better than seeing that colour-coded calendar application open on my desktop.

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